Monday, March 31, 2008


Well I was able to get my blog cleared with my professor to let this blog count for my advocacy project. With a few caveats, I must be able to post rules and guidelines that I will follow with my blog. I will post those when I finalize them. I would post them right now, but I have a test tomorrow that I need to finish studying for.

I also wanted to say that my comment that I sent to CNN was actually posted on the website! Score one for OTs! Well hopefully someone will read it, and maybe check out what OTs can do for people with ASD.

I found another good article dealing with an OTs role with ASD.
This Wednesday is International Autism Awareness day, so many people are doing a lot for it in the media,
By the way, April is OT Awareness Month. So let's promote the profession!

Also, I would like any input from anyone would like to give it.

Be well, and keep those activities functional!
Tim Dionne
University At Buffalo
BS/MS OT Class of 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job tim!