Unfortunately I was unable to attend the 2008 AOTA conference in Long Beach, CA, but I learned of the some of the new things that AOTA is coming up with. Primarily the Centennial Vision which is -
We envision that occupational therapy is a powerful, widely recognized, science-driven, and evidence-based profession with a globally connected and diverse workforce meeting society's occupational needs.
That is a well constructed sentence that sums up the previously posted 10 goals of OTs. I was asked in class to answer how I would fulfill the vision. Well my first step as a student to broaden my knowledge and learn all I can about the theories and evidence on various practice areas. I think it is very important to use and endorse evidence based practice. It makes the practice of OT more professional in the eyes of other professions and the consumers. Also it can help the profession to gain a non-referral status in the health community. Second I will advocate for my profession. I like to do things like point out to my friends that the characters on different television shows would benefit from OT intervention. Also this blog. I want to open the doors of the world to the wonders of occupational therapy. I applaud AOTA, and if I could afford to donate to the AOTPAC I would.
How would you contribute to the centennial vision? (please post how you would)
Be Well and post on my blog!
Tim Dionne
University At Buffalo
BS/MS OT Class 2010
Keep blogging, I enjoy reading what you have to say!
Keep Posting,
Your posts are nice and very informative. I enjoy while reading your post.
So, Keep doing good work !
Student of occupational therapy university
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