Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I apologize for not posting recently.  My excuse is finals and end of the year projects.  I also started a summer class that's fairly work intensive. 

So to report on the recent news in the occupational therapy world.  There is a blog that has come to my attention that discusses AOTA Board and Speciality Certification.   This is a good source of information on that topic.  

In news regarding advocacy of Occupational therapy, an article in Redbook, discusses the benefit of OT's intervention of children with autism.  This is another step forward of press and the public seeing the benefit of OT.   

I am starting to rethink this blog and my intentions with it.  I'm hoping to change the shape and feel of this blog because I'm unable to come up with different ideas to discuss.  So let me know some ideas of how I can continue.  
Be well,
Tim Dionne
University At Buffalo
BS/MS OT Class 2010

1 comment:

Stone said...

So, now you have completed your studies of occupational therapy education. Now what's your future planning, Are you going for further studies to getting a college degree it this profession or start working ?