Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Update on blogging and 10 Goals for OTs

To fufill my professor's requirements and my own I started to do a little blog surfing to get a better idea of what's out there to improve my blog. I was randomly going from one link to another link. I found one blog that discussed the lack of useful information, and the blogger presented some information that was really interesting from my aspect. Another conclusion I found doing this research was that many blogs have not been updated since 2007. Several blogs, however, have been updated recently. These blogs I found to be a better example of a good blog. Here are the blogs that I found that gave me some of these impressions.

From reading all these different blogs I came up with an idea of having a side bar of OT links to other blogs organized by subject category. When I add a blog link I'll let the blogger know that I've done this, and hopefully they will do the same or mention this forum. My ultimate goal is expand this blog to many areas of discussion with the purpose of convincing other OTs to expand their minds, and educate the public on OTs.

I'm doing some research for a paper, and I found an address given by the then AOTA president, Barbara Kornblau, at the Annual Confrence of June 6-8th of 2003. This address stated 10 goals for the future of OT, and our profession.

Ten Dreams for Our Future
1. No occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant will ever have to explain what occupational therapy is.

2. We will never have to worry about what the physical therapy profession is doing because we are so good at what we do, it just doesn’t matter.

3. Society, policy makers, and individuals in society value what we do and are willing to pay for it.

4. We value what we do and because we do, we feel comfortable charging for it.

5. Policy makers consider and include occupational therapy in their decision making.

6. We play a significant role in people’s lives.

7. People look to the occupational therapy profession when they are having difficulty with the performance of a
task in their lives and to prevent performance difficulty.

8. Society, policy makers, populations, and individuals look to the occupational therapy profession to help solve broad societal issues involving participation.

9. Society, populations, and individuals believe occupational therapy is a valued profession.

10. Young adults and others desire to and chose to pursue occupational therapy as a career because of the contribution we make to individuals, populations, and society as a whole.

I think these words are something we should all think about as we kick off April, the National Occupational Therapy Awareness Month. Another thing my blog is lacking is a logo. I'm going to try and make one this weekend.

Be Well! 
Tim Dionne
Univeristy At Buffalo
BS/MS OT class of 2010

Update:  I found a very useful site that doesn't have to do with OT, but with blogging. I am hoping that this site will provide me with some clues that will better my blog.

1 comment:

Karen Janowski said...

Found your blog through my statistics and greatly appreciate your ten goals for OTs.
I tagged this post to my delicious account as well as it is a worthy post.
Welcome to the OT profession! Based upon what you have written here, you will do well for those with whom you work.
We are the independence specialists and if you choose to pursue school-based OT, you will find that is a perspective that is lacking in our educational system.
Best of luck to you!